Everybody loves to take a cup of tea one time or the other, the only difference is in how we choose to take them. Some people love taking theirs with milk(which can be powdered or cream, skimmed or whole etc), some add sugar ,” a few cubes of sugar will not harm me anyway”, some prefer to add additional flavorings like lime , oranges and the likes.
The good thing is that we all love it anyway, be you black or white, male or female, vegetarian or not, green tea or black tea. But the most important question we ask ourselves is why take tea? Or maybe I should say why not take tea.
Tea is an important source of hydration, as it is made up of about 99 % moisture thereby providing the body with adequate source of water, contrary to reports that it can cause Di-uresis. This assumption is based on the theory that tea contains caffeine. The truth is that the amount of caffeine found in tea is not as large the amount found in other stimulants like coffee, and most energy drinks. However the amount present in tea has been proven to be too little to have any effect on the body.
Other benefits of tea come from the flavonoid content; the theanines, catechins which are antioxidants that have been implicated in promoting weight loss and improving metabolism.
Tea has also been found to lower the risk for heart disease and stroke.
Natural compounds called polyphenols in green tea might protect against several cancers, including those of the prostate, GI tract, lungs, breast, and skin.
Tea polyphenols are thought to strengthen bones and protect against fractures.
People who drink tea could see improvements in mood, concentration, and performance.
Recommended intake;
3-4 cups a day is healthy, anything more than 6-7 cups could be putting yourself at risk.
Value your tea, value your heart, and value your health…
Natural compounds called polyphenols in green tea might protect against several cancers, including those of the prostate, GI tract, lungs, breast, and skin.
Tea polyphenols are thought to strengthen bones and protect against fractures.
People who drink tea could see improvements in mood, concentration, and performance.
Recommended intake;
3-4 cups a day is healthy, anything more than 6-7 cups could be putting yourself at risk.
Value your tea, value your heart, and value your health…